I am always awe struck in worship when I see without prompting a child with head bowed, hands lifted, eyes shut, or hear them singing at the top of their lungs. It seems evidient by their expressions in that moment that they have made a genuine connection with the divine, they are passionate about it and they are fully engaged. It's a beautiful sight to see.

As a children's worker there's no greater joy than to take stock of the spiritiual development and the expression of it on a regular basis in the children we lead. I believe the same holds true of spiritual parents and caregivers. We want to know that our children walk in faith. So, we look and listen for these small shifts in expression and behavior. Personally I take time to have intentional talks in between worship. I ask questions and encourage them. Don't be surprised if like me you find yourself examining your own practices.

Next time you are in worship look around. Check your reaction, see if you don't smile when you catch such a glimpse of a little one who has abandoned self interest to worship. I can only imagine that God smiles too!
He has ordained them to praise Him (Psalms 8:2).
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