I don't hesitate to ask the children I serve to pray with me concerning struggles common to us all. Things like overcoming fear, being courageous, passing a test, or learning a new skill. It's good practice and they get to hear their leader pray out loud for them. But, now and again I change it up. I flip the script and make a random request for one of them to come upfront to pray for their fellow groupmates. There use to be dead silence, so to ease them into praying aloud we moved to praying with a partner to praying with a larger group.
Now, it's not a strange thing to get a willing volunteer who, with quiet confidence takes us into the father's presence as they speak to Him about the things shared in group-things important to them. Just last night a seven year old shared in tears the fear that something he watched on tv would happen to him. Without prompting the outpouring of offers to pray for and with him, affirmations and scripture verses flowed from the mouth of babes. They gathered around him and did just that. I'm sure the angels in heaven were in awe.
You know when you hear names called, situations mentioned, biblical characters or stories and scripture referenced that there's sincerity and expectancy in the prayer offered. The unhurried nor rushed to conclusion prayer is the ultimate loving plea to the Father who on the other end is listening.
Is this not the evidence of spiritual fruit parents and leaders such as yourself long to see and hear? You can't help but wonder, "When did prayer become for this child as natural as taking the next breath?" What exchange took place?
I conclude: "It's marvelous that God works in mysterious ways but its even more so that He does and He does it in children too!"
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