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Lean In!

I love talking and listening with the children I serve on Sundays and Wednesday nights.  I  can ask questions, share my own stories, ask for more insight and even receive instructions.  Typically it only takes one to verbalize what's on their mind, or what made their day special to prime the flow of conversation. It's in the context of this exchange that I find the substance for making my prayers relevant to them.

Just yesterday, as we gathered for discipleship. I asked the question "What adjectives would you use to best describe God's character?"  There's was no hesitation at all.  "All powerful", "faithful", "strong", "provider", "friend", "holy", "healer" and on and on the words flowed until we heard this tiny voice say, "He's my "inspiration inside."  I paused and asked if she would tell us more. 

For her God is that inspirational voice that encourages her to speak up, speak out, and to step up.  I was squealing inside with joy as gave clarity to what she equated as her description of His character. Simply stated, her willingness to say something nice to someone, to share, to help was the result of being prompted to do so. Then she concluded, with an infatic voice, "Only God can do that!"  I could not agree more as I thanked Him for letting me catch a glimpse of what He's doing in the life of our children.

Leaning in to listen to our children must be intentional, natural, and continuous.
What talks have you had recently with your children about God? Are You listening and responding too?


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