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Showing posts from April, 2018

Little people, big Ideals!

A few days ago a friend of mine shared how he was pleasantly surprised to discover his seven year old son face-timing his grandparents and deeply engaged in promoting the support of a missionary with whom his son is acquainted. Even though I was not there I know Dad beamed with pride when he saw first hand the fruit of his labor and relationship with his son. I could still hear the delight in his voice as he shared the story with me. And if that were not enough his son later asked if he could extend his support effort at school.  You gotta love 'em! When a child adopts a cause they are not silent and they expect results. Where does this caring, concern and generosity come from? It's nothing new. Children watch and imitate parents and significant others in their lives.  As leaders and parents we are modeling whether we want to be doing so or not. When children see us being supportive of others, generous with out time and money they follow suit with a passion that is their ...


Laughter is something I sometimes forget to do  because I'm seriously caught up in the routine of my day or focused too much on completing the task at hand.  However, working with children, or just observing my own, I thank God that He never fails to allow me to overhear their laughter. And it seemingly happens just the time when I need it most.  Their laughter is contagious! It spreads quickly and without delay among those in close proximity.  It can take you to a place of joy and happiness in an instant even if just for a moment. It's like a welcomed ray of sunshine in a dreary place, or refreshing water in a dry land. There's something about how a child views life that is instructive and life giving.  The Bible compares it to good medicine.  Expert say it contributes to the very  restoration or preservation of our bodily health and rigor. That's why when you hear the sound of children laughing wildly and excitedly turn to give a "look see" becau...

Hands On!

"Never lose a Holy curiosity" ~A.Einstein There's nothing more rewarding than to see a child inquire after God out of genuine curiosity. Those who have been in church perhaps first heard the stories of Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jonah and the big fish, David and Goliath, or Jesus walking on water, healing the sick and the blind in that setting.  But, it's when that curiosity is brought home to that favorite quiet place that spiritual development begins to simmer and take root. It's the wide eyed nature of a child to want to take a second, third or even fourth or more look on their own. I believe these to be divine appointments set by God Himself. It's in these quiet moments that He calls us to himself and woo our hearts. Love, excitement, and the pure joy interacting with Him through His Word that brings us and settles us into this personal relationship and place of worship. If you happen to catch a glimpse of this curiosity why not provide a readi...

The Egg, The Bunny, and The Cross

Look back over the Easter weekend and the days leading up to it and recall whether or not you  entertained questions from the inquisitive child who wanted to know the how and the why of everything pertaining to the celebration.  Whether it was your own child or one you serve in ministry, the Egg, the Bunny and the Cross are points of curiosity.  You like many others may already know the historical origins of each or at least have a general idea.  I believe there are still quite a few of us who perhaps raised a quizzical brow as questions came up.  Here's a brief explanation of each.  So next time before a question is asked, you can be prepared to ask them questions yourself.  It's a great teachable moment.    Why is the EGG? the BUNNY? the CROSS celebrated at Easter? All three are said to represent new life, and all three are celebrated during the arrival of spring or as we call it the Easter season. In truth they are not related at all...